Friday, April 18, 2008

An Odyssey of Sorts

As I write my first pulp/sci-fi/western/horror/adventure novel, I am finding myself structuring it like an epic, episodic poem. I think my current chapter is my "Night of the Lotus Eeaters." Well, they eat something, anyway, and its creepy. Cannibalism: always a must in my opinion. I mean, why not go there? Is there a reason not to? I don't think so.

This first book (I'm planning a series of four or five) jumps around from adventure to adventure as the main characters establish their role in the world. From then on, the plot thickens, and no-one is safe.

I've been reading a lot of Haruki Murakami. That guy will change the way you think about the novel. Check him out, seriously!

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