Friday, March 28, 2008


Kory and I are moving into a loft this weekend. It has been a rushed deal, but it is a cool space with ample natural light, and I am looking forward to setting up a little writing nook in one of the corners.

Once we have everything moved over there I am planning on putting all my Tom Waits on the ipod dock and arraning and decorating until it is finished. Should be a good time.

Monday, March 24, 2008


My life has been....fluid, as of late. I just started a new job at a great non-profit organization as a grant writer, and I am also looking for a cool loft to rent with my fiancee. As you can imagine, my writing has suffered, but I am determined to get back on the horse this week. I have too many ideas that I will soon forget to not get them down on paper (or word processor--paper just sounds better, don't you think?).

Anyhow, back to work. If you are reading this, I hope you had a pleasant Easter full of chocolate bunnies, plastic eggs, ham, and ressurected zombie sonsofgod.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Skin Deep

Hey, while I'm shamelessly self-promoting, my fiancee has a kick-ass webcomic called Skin Deep that you should all read.

Find it at

It's well worth your time. It's got a Sasquatch of sorts. There is a reason we are getting married.

Check it out!

I'm published! Check out my story "A Coat of Many Feathers" at

It's got a foul-mouthed angel, what's not to like?

First Post

I'm getting serious about my writing, so I thought I would create a blog where I post random thoughts and ideas pertaining to my current projects. This is the virgin post--isn't it glorious. It's over now. More to come.
